Monday, June 30, 2008

The Core Re-edition?

So it begins: taking the classic cards, the ones few decks would be complete without, and remaking them to fill in the blank spaces where something classic is needed.

My take on the "core re-edition' is not to make exact copies of the cards but rather change them up slightly for flavor and fun. So here are the first ones up. Make sure to comment on them cause everything is subject to revision.

Wrath of God // Damnation

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Yes, there's a slight trade off. Functionally it's just like mashing together Wrath and Damnation into a single card, but turning into a creature can really mess with things beyond what I can imagine.


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This one I'm still reconsidering. The other idea is to merge Shock with Flare by giving the card Buyback for 1 mana (instead of Flashback). Comment on what you think this one should be.

Incinerate // Lash Out

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What I wanted to do with this one was take the classic Incinerate with the new Lash Out and make something in between. The usefulness of this card only fades when your opponent doesn't control any creatures, otherwise, it's a nice edition. Comment on it.

And last one for today
Avatar of Woe

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It received several tweaks, like a change in mana cost as well as the addition of an ability.

Alright, so comment on these cards, whatever you think is good or needs to be changed. Also, suggest a few more cards that should be redone for this set.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Suggestions Needed

Allow me to explain one of the house rules Honsou and I agreed on for when we start putting these cards into play: "All decks in a game using cards from the anime set should only use cards from the anime set."
This was to avoid having some crazy combo happen that could make certain cards broken or others useless.

We also agreed that we would have to reedit lots of staple cards (like Shock) to fill in some needed spots and balance the set.

So, we're asking for your input: What 10th Edition cards do you think are a must to include? List them off in the comments and we'll make sure to put them into a tribeless subset fitting into the anime theme and we might tweak a few for flavor.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

3 more prototypes

So, considering on the possible martial or fighting set, I through together a couple of prototypes. Remember, these are just prototypes.

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Yes, that last one is a White/Black hybrid. Don't know exactly where it would go, but it's an interesting concept.